our final idea is a more original complex idea with a strong narrative behind it, it is a major improvement to our last idea and a key thing we found is to create a strong storyline it is key to producing a good opening sequence so therefore we planned out a short draft narrative to give our film depth, the main plot is how a family is "Marked" ,the films title, and the plot revolves around a sociopaths obsession with this family, it starts with a son being abducted and then moves on to a montage of how it effects the family which is the main subject, how the family becomes torn apart and broken which turnes the home life very dangerous and scary. with this idea we could come up with a rough storyboard to get a further developed outline to visualise.
here is our rough draft of our first storyboard:
as you can see we planned a few shots out put them in a order and started to make some ideas,our next thought was flashbacks we thought that flash backs to present and past the present being the family's reaction and feelings and the police's involvement and the past being the abduction and this ipod falling throughout and en between the flashbacks to give it a fluent sequence, to create a sound bridge we wanted a completely contrasting song to whats going on in the shots so a happy song but not to upbeat something similar to "The Watchmen" by Zack Snyder, and the end shot of the ipod hitting the floor as the rain hits the dimming screen.
to evaluate this task i would say our group worked really well we all came up with ideas and helped create this rough storyboard, everyone had input and well all got along. i am happy with our idea i think its original and an idea with depth to it and doesn't fall into the category of cliche thriller opening however it is a physiological thriller which is a common genre of film and can be executed wrong but i feel we can do it well and create a good opening.
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