this is my final storyboard for our short opening of our thriller film titled "marked", first we mocked up a few rough shots which developed into this final draft, in our shots we wanted a slow paced dark unique look and style much like a "sin city" opening or a "watchmen" type composition. to create this effect we have a continuous slow but happy song ,acting as a sound bridge, which is the opposite of what is in the shot such as an abduction would not usually have a happy swing type track behind it, this hopefully would create there atmosphere to be even more UN nerving to the audience.
in the first shot we have our establishing shot this shows how the house is our main location and as the shot is played a dark red card floats through the letter box symbolising the moment of the house and family being "marked" by our antagonist of our film the villain. to try and portray this theme of "marked" we Incorporated symeolidgy in the form of colour as the dark red connotes a sinister and evil perception.
next we have the abduction shots of the son being taken, in this scene we had a clear vision of what we wanted the shots to look like and it was all about exciting the idea with quality drawings and filming, at the start of the scene you see a long shot tracking behind the boy walking home down a lonely road as he walks were only have diagetic music of his foot steps and the struggle as he turns to look behind him in shock this is were a non diagetic music kicks in and we move into the very slow motioned struggle of the abduction we as a group had a clear view on that the abduction must be slow and in close up shots to try and bring the audience closer and give the verisimilitude and intensity we set out to achieve in the first sketches of our idea.
next we see a ipod falling through the air in slow motion signifying the destruction of the person who has targeted this particular family this shot is repeated to give a sense of time as the ipod shows past and the shots in between our in the present time.
after the ipod we have a seres of shots showing the present time effects of this abduction on the family which gives the film depth as that the narrative has many roads to go down which is key to the opening in that we as the makers of this film can not fall into the trap of trying to show lots of action and story as it is only the first 2 minutes not a short film. so in these shots we have the mother, in a spot light shot, in a police interrogation room saying " i just wont my kids back" this shows how it is effecting the family.
the next shot is a long shot, the camera situated behind some clothing looking out in a dark field while lights flash past acting as the police looking for the teenager. a fade cut is added in each transition of every shot which keeps the pace slow and constant, after the fade cut we next see a tacking shot moving past a door way were we see the deeply effected family barley eating dinner after the abduction. at this point we decided looking back that the extract is to short and with more shots which will be the dad slamming his hand down in anger which is then cut to the ipod hitting the ground which putting the two shots together creates a graphic match and bring the extract to an end. by adding these shots it would give the scene more meaning as well as extending the time length.
finally we have our end shot of the ipod hitting the ground which then is held until rain drops hit the screen and a slight zoom is used to bring the object into a focus and then faded out to end the opening and also bring the past and present shots into one and a end.
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