Sunday, 24 January 2010

second day filming

our second day filming was on the 21st of January, this was a much more successful shoot than the first shoot and we got some really good footage. This shoot was of the police searching scene to do this we used some iconic props such as a florescent jacket and police torches, as well as a police dog, this added to the verisimilitude of the scene and created a better overall shot. we filmed in Denham in a local field with our actor George Grant who again gave a good performance even though he had little acting to do.
when framing the shot we had the camera at a slightly slanted position which seemed to resemble the jostle and abduction of the son in the previous scene, this was then positioned so that the trainers were in the foreground and the police were walking from the background into the foreground to meet the camera. Overall the shoot went really well everyone was on time and the lighting was perfect which produced a better quality of footage compared to the previous shoot.

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